Category: E-Commerce


8 Important e-commerce Merchandising Tips

Physical stores spend a small forture making sure that the first thing you see when you walk in the door is something that will get your attention. The oval layout of Kohl’s was carefully planned to lead people by profitable departments. Macy’s...


Site of the Week – Best Buy

  Usability is a critical factor in website conversion so making your site as user friendly as possible should be an ongoing, never-ending goal. Best Buy is my first site of the week. Here’s why. Large easy to read navigation with fewer...


Top E-Commerce Shopping Carts – 2010

E-Commerce is growing. Does your shopping cart meet your needs?  E-Commerce reduces costs, increases profits and can be infinitely more targeted. The Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce announced in May the estimate of U.S. retail e-commerce sales for the first quarter...

2013 – The Year of the Cloud 0

2013 – The Year of the Cloud

I’ve been following the cloud with great interest since Slacker and Pandora came on the scene some time around 2007. The idea of streaming music from the cloud was appealing and struck a chord. This year however the cloud will come fully...