How Consumers are Using Smartphones to Shop

How Consumers Use their Smartphones While ShoppingAccording to a Chadwick Martin Baily, a market research firm, over 70% of iPhone owners use their device while shopping. Not surprising not many use it for actual purchases, 17%. Here is a breakdown of what they do use Smartphones for while shopping, as posted in Website Magazine.

66% price comparison
58% to find local store locations
58% check for discounts
49% check for reviews
46% compare products
What to do?

This data can be used to set some basic directions for you mobile e-commerce strategy.


  1. Make sure your products are in the shopping engines
  2. Monitor your social media tools and be aware of what your reviews say and be responsive
  3. Keep your store locator up to date and easy to use. Make sure it is mobile friendly
  4. Offer an easy to use product comparison tool on your site.

What To Do If Your Site is Not Mobile Ready

Not everyone has a mobile ready website. If  you’re a non-e-commerce site, try this. Create a WordPress Blog with a mobile plugin, or any other blogging platform that is easily viewable in a mobile experience.

  • List at least your top products in an easy to find and use format
  • Create tables and Comparison charts
  • Cross post reviews to your blog from your site
  • Post reviews from outside sources

This may help hold you over until you can make your main site mobile ready.

You can register for the Chadwick Martin Baily May 11, 2011, 30 minute webinar on mobile phone usage for shopping here.

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