Category: Content

Great places to find good content to share in social media 0

Find Content Before Others Do

Finding good content to share is often a chore. Finding good content that everyone else hasn’t already shared is even more challenging. Listed below are 4 ways to get some quality content that others may not have gotten to yet. Quibb Reddit...

elephant skydiving 0

Less Branding, More Filling

Though not the best example of minimal branding I think this is still an excellent example of a lightly branded campaign that does several things. Makes you feel good about the product; in this case France. Laugh, everyone likes that. Have a...


Link Bait Headlines, Do They Work?

Everyone has seen them. The headline screams a crazy tune, but the copy does not back it up. Today in the Huffington Post, experts at this, a headline read; “Fox News President Makes Shocking Admission About Sarah Palin” OK, great headline, makes...


What is Your Site Optimized for?

Optimizing your site for users (SEO, or what I call UOC) should be one of your main goals because with a few exceptions, it offers one of the highest converting channels for many industries. For some ecommerce businesses a good email marketing will...


Total Customer eCommerce

Are you marketing to your entire customer or just to the part that wants your specific product? Holistic Digital Marketing & eCommerce Like you, your customer is multi-dimensional. Customers have different interests and reasons for buying and remaining loyal to a brand or...


SEO – It’s All Relative

In probably one of the best inforgraphics on Search Engine Optimizaiton, shows the importance of all the major factors at work to create a perfect storm, for a high page ranking site. The following chart shows all the major aspects of...