Category: Social Media


Do you have a Facebook Exit Strategy?

Remember when AOL was ruling the world as the undisputed online champ? Me too. The number of subscribers they had was just too great for them to fail. That is being said about Facebook today. How long before Facebook’s mounting Privacy missteps...


Explain Your Facebook Policy

With the advent of Facebooks new venture into capturing and sharing as much information as they can, you will need a strategy to inform your users how you connect to Facebook and what you do with this information. Do you need a...

Easy Optimization, RSS Feeds 0

Easy Optimization, RSS Feeds

Everyone talks about how hard it is to optimize their websites. No one has the time or the ideas as to what do without adding additional resources to call bloggers and other websites to get them to write about your product or...

The coming Social Media backlash 0

The coming Social Media backlash

Time for a little drama. In a great post by Jeremiah Owyang we see how Levi’s used new Facebook tools to populate a shopping cart on with recommendations from friends using Facebooks’s new social tools. This is very good for marketers....

Social Media – It’s Not Just Facebook 0

Social Media – It’s Not Just Facebook

April 2010- Recent events have seen Facebook make yet another round of privacy changes and their traffic dipped in January for the first time in recent history. Is it the beginning of new growing pains or a leveling off? With all the...