Category: Social Media


Pintrest – Blogging Without Words

Looking at the success of Pintrest this morning it finally hit me. Pintrest is a success for a couple of reasons, but one in particular. It requires very little writing. A Base Level At a base level Pintrest gives the average or...


The Gamification of Politics

Love him or hate him President Obama was the first US politician to use Social Media to rip the roof off of online fundraising. So much so that even many republican candidates are taking pages out of his 2008 playbook. It appears...


Total Customer eCommerce

Are you marketing to your entire customer or just to the part that wants your specific product? Holistic Digital Marketing & eCommerce Like you, your customer is multi-dimensional. Customers have different interests and reasons for buying and remaining loyal to a brand or...

Getting the Most out of Comments 0

Getting the Most out of Comments

So you’ve got a blog or website that allows users to post reviews or comments for your posts or products, good for you. Engaging your site visitors is critical in creating increased visitor loyalty and trust. The additional content is also great...